
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t

7 May 2009

Good to Great

by: Jim Collins

Good to Great is a book centered around the findings of an in depth research project into Fortune 500 companies that were able to make the transition from being companies with good performance to companies with great performance. Each section of the book focuses is on one of the commonalities between these companies. The pillars of success include great leadership, putting the right people in the right places, being honest about the company, finding a focused company mission, creating a culture of discipline and using technology to accelerate the transition from good to great. In each chapter the author uses the 11 good to great companies to illustrate these links.

The book is flat-out fantastic. It was published in 2001 but the conclusions and examples that it presents are still relevant, and will be for decades and perhaps centuries to come. If you’re at all interested in building or being a part of a great company, this book should be on your bookshelf.

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