Tag Archives: mac

Zeldman on The Setup

13 Nov

An interview with one of the great ones about his, sovaldi well,  Setup.


Google Chrome is coming

13 Nov

Both a beta version of the Google Chrome browser for Mac and the much anticipated Google Chrome OS are expected to be released in the coming weeks. These could be big.


A SuperDuper update!

14 Oct

What could be better than backing up with SuperDuper? Well backing up with a newer, mind faster version of SuperDuper of course! Get some!

[Via Daring Fireball]


Tech support in 140 characters or less

7 Oct

Patrick Rhone from Machine Methods is offering free Macintosh tech support. If you have a Mac problem, and Patrick can fix it for you via Twitter then it’s free. If your problem is too complicated for that, you can make an appointment for which Patrick charges $25.00 per incident.

[Via Shawn Blanc]


New BlackBerry Desktop Software

2 Oct

BlackBerry has finally released their much-anticipated new BlackBerry Desktop Software. I’ll be installing the Mac version at work this afternoon and testing it out a little more fully at home this evening. More to come.

Work Update: Installed cleanly, although I hate having to restart my machine after installing software. I wasn’t anticipating this release today so I left my micro-USB cable at home. Fail.


iPhone home screen

25 Sep

teehan+lax has mocked up a new iPhone home screen. It would be a great option for users to get quicker access to their most-used applications.

[Via Shawn Blanc]


Desktop day

11 Sep

On his blog Minimal Mac,  Patrick Rhone declared today Desktop Day. And in honor of this momentus occasion, he’s posting user submitted desktop screen shots to the Minimal Mac site. You can follow the desktops on Twitter by following @minimalmac.


The freelancer’s toolbox

10 Sep

Designer Daily as compiled a great list of 33 useful apps and website for freelance designers. Ironically I can count the items on this list that I use on one hand (Things, Quicksilver, LinkedIn, Google Website Optimizer and Google Analytics). There are a few others that I’ve tested and/or use something similar (Freshbooks, Highrise, Basecamp).

But the others are a great list of tools I’ll be trying out soon.

[Via Swissmiss]


Facebook on your desktop

10 Sep

A new application developed by the in-house team at Facebook will help the social networking site invade your life and make your productivity plummet even more. But it’s so convenient, how could anyone resist?

[Via TechCrunch]



4 Sep

By Print Liberation

Macintosh tee by Print Liberation

Buy at Print Liberation