Tag Archives: movie

Assassins Creed

13 May

Assassins Creed

I was excited about the movie. I got excited by the casting. I got more excited by the trailer. And now this movie poster is just downright gorgeous.


I’m Eccentric

22 Jan

Poor people are crazy, Jack. I'm eccentric.
Howard Payne, played by Dennis Hoper

The Position of Fuck You

20 Jan

A longer cut of the scene, but a lesser quality version.


The Unexpected

28 Dec

Sometimes it’s the people no one expects anything from who do the things no one expects.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing

The Field Mouse Is Fast

22 Dec

Remember, the field mouse is fast, but the owl sees at night.
Ted Manson as Chip

Words cannot describe the excellency that is this movie trailer

6 May

Visit this link:

I won’t spoil the end, but the best part of this hilarious man-cation adventure movie trailer is the big finish.