Tag Archives: print design

Thank you Leslie Buck

30 Apr

A little late on this but sad just the same. The creator of the famous Anthora grecian, ambulance paper coffee cup passed away earlier this week. He had an amazing personal story and his most well known work will surely live on for quite some time. Farewell, there and thank you.

[via OK Great]


Adobe Acrobat fail

1 Apr

Often times when a print project has been completed, everything has been printed and the client has received teh final product there is one last act to be completed. The client usually wants a high-resolution PDF of the final files with the final copy and retouched images. Typically this is not a problem and is easily accomplished. But when you’re dealing with a document that has wrap-around covers and gate folds and photo-illustrations and graphics that span multiple pages, it’s not always as simple. The easiest way to handle these pages is to create a PDF with spread, and then just duplicate the spread and crop those duplicates until you have each of the individual pages split up.

But in Adobe Acrobat 9, just cropping the pages isn’t enough. Because Acrobat doesn’t actually crop the page, it just masks out the unwanted portions of the page, but they still remain in the document and can unexpectedly reappear at inopportune times. I can see how this was done with good intentions by Adobe, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a huge pain in my arse. (more…)


Travel posters

20 Mar

Beautiful and simple travel posters of the great American cities from The Heads of State.

[via Swissmiss]



9 Mar

1. overcome by a strong emotion due to a letterhead design.

[hat tip to @rainbeau]


Showing Tufte some love

9 Mar

I’ve been begging for this for a while now.

From Edward Tufte:

I will be serving on the Recovery Independent Advisory Panel. This Panel advises The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, whose job is to track and explain $787 billion in recovery stimulus funds…

I’m doing this because I like accountability and transparency, and I believe in public service. And it is the complete opposite of everything else I do. Maybe I’ll learn something. The practical consequence is that I will probably go to Washington several days each month, in addition to whatever homework and phone meetings are necessary.

[via Daring Fireball]


Redesigning Valentine’s day

15 Feb

Every year there’s only one good thing happens on Valentine’s day, my dear mother’s birthday. But this year we had a second. Someone took a stab at giving the horribly over-commercialized holiday a new look and some real meaning. Here comes the Love Puppy!

[via Swissmiss]


Make my website for free

27 Jan

Hilarious videos of what it’s like to be a designer sometimes.

Caution: While hilarious, the language in these videos is not at all safe for work.


A new letterpress poster

26 Jan

Cameron Moll has been working on a new letterpress poster and it sounds like it’s nearly ready. His first series of posters, based on the Salt Lake Temple, wasn’t really my thing. But just like those, this one looks absolutely stunning. You can go ahead and pre-order one in his store, as I will be doing, before it’s released in March. He’s also put together a video showing some of the process. It’s quite amazing. I honestly wouldn’t even know where to start with something like that.


Feltron 2009 annual report

25 Jan

Once again the much-anticipated Feltron 2009 personal annual report by Nicholas Felton has exceeded expectations. Go check it out. Now.


Graphic design favors

21 Dec

Every designer can relate to some, ampoule if not most, discount of these requests. Funny and well-designed at the same time. Superb!

Fun Fact: As a graphic designer, fully 92% of your time will be spend on unpaid favors.

[via Swissmiss]