Tag Archives: thoughts

Words of wisdom

8 Jan

The rules are sort of a How to Be a Gentleman meets The Foggy Monocle guide to living. Classic and timeless.


Finally, my sleep patterns have scientific justification

8 Jan

I’ve often felt ashamed of my sleep patterns. I’m much more comfortable going to bed at 2:00 AM and there’s not much that I love more than sleeping till Noon or later. So it was reassuring to read that a sleep study found that people that claimed to be “well rested” after an eight-hour slumber, performed even better when tested, when they slept an additional two hours.

It was also nice to read that I could blame my creativity, instead of laziness, for my preferencial sleeping and waking times. And after reading about our natural stress hormones peaking at 7:00 AM, I don’t know why anyone would choose to wake up early.

I can think of no better time to post this than at 2:27 AM.


Philanthropy with a catch

20 Sep

There isn’t much that angers me than when a seemingly good deed turns out to be a marketing ploy or manipulation of consumers. I applaud the work of companies like Boeing, AT&T and the many others who can take a terrible situation and do their part to make a difference. But it incenses me when a company like Yoplait can use cancer research as a marketing ploy. If they’re going to donate money, then just donate it already. If you’re going to make people collect lids before you’ll fork over the cash for a good cause, then don’t cap their efforts by putting a limit on how much you’ll donate.


I did not know I did not know that

30 Jan

A gold mind of never-ending questions and answers to some interesting things I’d never thought to ask about.