Tag Archives: wordpress

Premium WordPress Plugins

12 Nov

WordPress-centered software company Incusb has launched a site that looks to be headed to becoming the App store of WordPress plugins.

If paid plugins for an open source platform were every going to really take off. This looks like it would be the place.

[via TechCrunch]


Wired.com joins the WordPress collective

27 Apr

As an avid reader of Wired Magazine and Wired.com, as well as a WordPress advocate and developer, it gave me great joy to hear that the two were joining forces.

Today Matt Mullenweg announced on his blog that the migration of Wired.com’s network of 12 blogs from TypePad to WordPress has been completed.

On behalf of the rest of the WordPress community, I’d like to say to Wired… Welcome. Now can you stop requiring users to sign up before they can comment? It really does discourage discussion.


WordPress 2.7, Coltrane, is here

11 Dec

If you were as excited about the release of WordPress 2.5 as I was, you’ll be equally as pleased for the announcement that the new version, WordPress 2.7, is now available to be downloaded.

My initial impression is that the majority of changes in WordPress 2.7 address the dashboard and admin panels. Users will be able to access significantly more information from the dashboard as well as perform many more tasks directly from the dashboard without having to navigate through the administrative section. (more…)