Lego Brooklyn
16 Aug
Using hundreds of thousands of Lego pieces, tadalafil a New York City man created a massive reproduction of several Brooklyn neighborhoods.
[via Lego Group]
16 Aug
Using hundreds of thousands of Lego pieces, tadalafil a New York City man created a massive reproduction of several Brooklyn neighborhoods.
[via Lego Group]
1 Aug
This London Olympic Stadium may be the single most impressive Lego creation I’ve ever laid eyes on. So big. So much detail.
20 Jul
Railway bridge in Wuppertal, treatment Germany was painted to look like it was made out of colorful Lego bricks. Project was completed in 4 weeks by talented German street artist Martin Heuwold.
[via Design Fetish]
17 Jul
11 Jun
25 Jan
As an adult occasionally I’ll come across a Lego set that makes me seriously consider purchasing it, but each time I haven’t been able to justify the cost of such a “toy” keeping in mind how expensive they’ve gotten. But apparently, they’ve actually been getting cheaper. Who knew?
30 Sep
These run-down victorian houses made entirely out of Lego pieces by Mike Doyle are equal parts whimsical and creepy.
[via @notasausage]
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