Tag Archives: advertising

Time Is Precious

20 Dec

I love this Nike ad. I just wish it wasn’t… an ad.


If You’re Happy

30 Dec

Probably one of the most depressing ads I’ve ever seen. I have a feeling that’s not exactly what Weight Watchers was going for.


The Mind and the Heart

7 Oct

The mind can be convinced but the heart must be won.
Simon Sinek

[via @swissmiss]


Advertising is Lying

6 Oct

I think spending your life trying to dupe innocent people out of hard-won earnings to buy useless, low-quality, misrepresented items and services is an excellent use of your energy.
Jerry Seinfeld

[via @blankenship]


Mad Man

24 Sep

George Lois is about as famous an ad-man as there will ever be. Apparently the one thing he may be better at than advertising is lying about his work in advertising, according to some of his former coworkers.

His [George Lois] is a marvelous story. George is a talented storyteller with a vivid imagination. The only thing that could exceed it would be the truth.

— Julian Koenig, former partner of George Lois

This American Life aired a story produced by Sarah Koenig, the daughter of Julian Koenig, detailing the inaccurate exploits of George Lois’ career.


The Ad Agency Bloodline

19 May

Vitamin T put together a very in-depth chart on the history and consolidation of ad agencies.

[via @zeldman]


Crazy Old Christmas Ads

21 Dec

Nothing gets me into the Christmas spirit like guns and perverted Santas.

[via J.E. Skeets]


How they do it: The Old Spice response videos

15 Jul

“Well friends, for sale like all great things, this too must end..”
– Isaiah Mustafa

And that marked the close of the epic Old Spice response videos. But at least now we get to see out how they did it.

[via Cameron Moll]


Take It To The Next Level

9 Jun

Nike, among others, has been killing it with their ads for the upcoming world cup. So there’s no better time to enjoy a classic Nike Football ad.

[via OK Great]


5-Hour Energy is crap

21 May

Now I’ve never tried 5-Hour Energy, I’m more of a Red Bull man. But I’m told by those who have that a more accurate description would be “2-hour energy and a 3-hour crash.” Which makes their ads even more offensive. We’ve all seen them, but have you ever read the fine print? Check out this gem.

*No crash means no sugar crash. 5-Hour Energy contains no sugar.

How is that even allowed? That’s like saying “Cigarettes have never killed anyone. *Never killed means shot on the face with a bullet killed. Cigarettes do not contain bullets.” Just plain ridiculous.